Quality Assurance

Internal Processes   External Processes


Internal Processes

Program and Course Development Guidelines    Program Quality Assurance (PQA)   Academic Council 

Program and Course Development Guidelines

Access the Academic Student Experience Hub sharepoint site for:

 Program Development (new and/or renewed) resources, including: 
 Course Development Resources and Processes:
  • Course Development Resources (Moodle). This moodle shell outlines the recommended major steps for developing a new course or updating an existing, with adherence to Keyano’s Course Quality Guidelines.  It includes a 10-step checklist, templates and supporting resources which may be used independently or supported by members of CTL and the Library throughout the development process. Contact CTL@keyano.ca for assistance.


Within the Course Development Resources (Moodle) you will find:

  • Keyano College Course Quality Guidelines (Fall 2023)
  • ‘Course quality workflow’ for supported (by CTL/Library) or independent course development
  • Course Development Request (supported) intake forms (MS Forms) for credit or CEES courses
  • Locate applicable course change forms in Academic Council folder in the Academic and Student Experience sharepoint.


Program Quality Assurance (PQA)

Keyano College has a Sharepoint site which contains the following:

 PQA Policies and Procedures currently under review 
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • PAC
  • PPD
  • PRR



Academic Council (AC) 

Access the Academic Student Experience Hub sharepoint site for:

  • Academic Council Guide
  • Matrix 
  • New and/or renewed course and program change forms required for internal approval (Academic Council) processes. 

All new and or changes to a course or program must be reviewed and approved by Deans Council, Academic Council and/or Board of Governors.  Consult the Academic Council Matrix and Academic Council site for important annual deadlines for submissions to Government of Alberta.

Contact CTL@keyano.ca for support and/or quality reviews of AC documentation.


External Processes

All new credit programming program proposals must be submitted to PAPRS (Provider and Program Registry System) no later than January 1 annually for implementation July 1 of that academic year (6 months later).  

When completing the new program proposal (P4 for Academic Council), consult these PAPRS Guidelines and Reference documents to ensure alignment with Government requirements:

 Proposal Guidelines 
 Reference Documents
PAPRS Proposal Templates
PAPRS FAQ & User Guides

Changes to program status (i.e. suspension, termination), program title and program credit loads must be submitted to PAPRS no later than March 1 annually. Consult the DC/AC/BOG meeting schedule to plan for all documentation to be approved internally prior to PAPRS submission.

CTL will create and submit required documentation to PAPRS once internal approval processes are completed.

CTL also supports programs/schools with:

  • Accreditation and re-accreditation processes and/or quality reviews.
  • Alignment with Governing Bodies/Standards.
  • CAQC (Campus Alberta Quality Council) processes

Contact ctl@keyano.ca for support or assistance of all internal or external quality assurance processes.