Work Integrated Learning for Faculty

Faculty members are valued partners in the personal and professional development of our students. Together, we can support our students to be successful in their learning as well as in their transition to the workplace.

Below, faculty will find information on how we can work together to support Keyano College students. Please email Work Integrated Learning for more information or to request a workshop.

Request a Workshop

Faculty members are valued partners in the personal and professional development of our students. Together, we can support our students to be successful in their learning as well as in their transition to the workplace.

Below, faculty will find information on how we can work together to support Keyano College students. Please email Work Integrated Learning for more information or to request a workshop.

Refer Students

Please encourage students to email for any career related supports. We have a variety of workshops, resources, assessments, and supports available to aid students in career exploration and development.
Work Integrated Learning for Students

Refer Employers

Please refer any employers to Work Integrated Learning so we can get them registered for any upcoming on campus fairs and events, to access our job board, and to easily connect with students and alumni.
Work Integrated Learning for Employers