Reports and Publications


Reports  Publications


Continuing Education Calendar  Credit Calendar   Domestic Viewbook International Viewbook 

Keyano college getting you there viewbook

Domestic Viewbook

Now that you are ready to choose to further your education, let us make it easy for you to discover all that Keyano College has to offer. Whether you are upgrading skills, getting your trade certificate, or going for a diploma or degree, Keyano has everything from heavy industrial to art, nursing to power engineer.  Keyano has a program that is right for you.  The online publication is the most up-to-date version of the Viewbook. Please note: this version of the Viewbook is for Domestic (Canadian) students.


International viewbook coverInternational Viewbook 

Now that you are ready to choose to further your education, let us make it easy for you to discover all that Keyano College has to offer. This version of the Viewbook provides information relevant to international (non-Canadian) applicants and students. The online publication is the most up-to-date version of the International Viewbook. 



Credit calendar coverCredit Calendar

The Keyano College Academic Calendar is published each year to assist future and current students, educators, guidance counsellors, and the general public when choosing courses and course fees.   

All fees and programs costs are subject to change and to ensure the most accurate quote, please contact the Office of the Registrar. The online publication is the most up to date version of the Credit Calendar.



access calendar cover

Continuing Education & Extended Studies Viewbook

Keyano College Continuing Education & Extended Studies provides opportunities for lifelong learning associated with a specific skill or competency designed to be additional, alternate, or complementary to a development component. Continuing Education & Extended Studies programming includes micro-credentials, non-credit, certifications & designations, Open Education, PLAR, and Corporate Training. The online publication is the most up to date version of the Continuing Education & Extended Studies Viewbook




Annual ReportPublic Sector Body Compensation DisclosurePublic Disclosure of ExpensesStrategic Plan Student Awards Annual Impact Report

Keyano College is a public, board-governed college operating as a Comprehensive Community Institution under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act of Alberta.  As a public institution, the College is required to produce the following reports.

annual report cover

Annual Report

The Keyano College Annual Report is prepared under the direction of the Board of Governors in accordance with the Fiscal Planning and Transparency Act and ministerial guidelines established by the Post-Secondary Learning Act. 

The online publication is the most up to date version of the Annual Report.



Public Sector Body Compensation Disclosure

Public sector bodies are now required to post online the names and compensation paid to:

  • all board members
  • employees who earn over $141,183

This is a requirement under the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act, which applies to:

Learn more about agencies, boards and commissions

Download Public Disclosure of Compensation


 Public Disclosure of Expenses

Current Fiscal Year
 Board of Governors


 President & CEO



 Vice President Corporate Services & CFO


 Vice President Academic & Student Experience 


 Associate Vice President Public Engagement
July 2023-June 2024
Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President Corporate Services & CFO


Vice President Academic & Student Experience
Vice President Strategy & Business Transformation
Vice President People, Culture & Innovation
Associate Vice President, Public Engagement


July 2022 - June 2023
 Board of Governors
President & CEOs
Vice President Corporate Services & CFO
Vice President Academic & Student Experience
Vice President Projects and CIO
Vice President Strategy & Business Transformation
 July 2021 - June 2022
 Board of Governors

President & CEO

Vice President, Academic

VP Corporate Services and CFO
Vice President Infrastructure & CIO
 July 2020 - June 2021
 Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President, Academic
VP Corporate Services and CFO
Vice President Infrastructure & CIO
 July 2019 - June 2020
 Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President, Academic
VP Corporate Services and CFO
Vice President Infrastructure & CIO
July 2018 - June 2019
 Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President, Academic
Vice President Community Relations
July 2018 - June 2019
Vice President Infrastructure & CIO
July 2017 - June 2018
 Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President, Academic
Vice President, Advancement
July 2016 - June 2017
 Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President, Academic
Vice President, Advancement
Vice President, Capital Projects & Facilities Operations
August 2015 - June 2016
 Board of Governors
President & CEO
Vice President, Academic
Vice President, Advancement
Vice President, Capital Projects & Facilities Operations

Keyano College Strategic Plan 2024-2027Strategic Plan

Keyano College's Strategic Plan is a three-year strategic business plan annually to guide the
achievement of its vision, mission and values through actionable and measurable strategies and initiatives.

Keyano College believes that long-range strategic planning is an integral component of its governance and leadership functions. The strategic business plan provides overall direction, common goals and a focus of energy and resources through alignment to the province’s Adult Learning System Principles of accessibility, affordability, quality, coordination and accountability.


Student Awards Annual Impact Report

StudentawardsThe Keyano Student Awards Annual Impact Report shows how our donor-funded awards greatly affect the lives of students. There are over 550 awards that celebrate academic excellence, honour community leadership, and provide financial support to those in need. Our program's success is thanks to 100+ individual and corporate donors.

View the Student Awards Annual Impact Report to learn more about how awards impact our Keyano community.