
Students can download commonly used forms below

Please Note: All Student Forms are fillable PDF and can be emailed to the Chair for approval or the Office of the Registrar , without signature, from your Keyano student email. Unless otherwise indicated, all completed forms are to be emailed to .

Advanced Credit Request (credit and continuing education students) updated 20241209
You have taken courses at another post secondary institution and would like to transfer the credit to Keyano College. Course transfer within Keyano College do not request transcripts and outlines.

Apprenticeship Enrolment updated 20240909
All apprentices can register for technical training through their My Trade Secrets account. Students being sponsored by their employer or without internet access can submit this form to the Office of the Registrar.

Authorization for Release of Student Information updated 20210917
We can only release student information to a third party (including parents or guardians) with the student's written permission.

Authorization for Third Party updated 20230419
Submit this form if you wish to authorize a third party to act on your behalf in transactions with Keyano College.

Challenge Examination Application updated 20240909
Students who have acquired skills or knowledge through experience and/or related courses which are relevant to the content of a course offered at Keyano College may be granted credit for such a course by requesting and passing a challenge examination.

Childhood Studies Micro Credential Registration added 20230210

Confirmation of Sponsorship updated 20241217

Confirmation of Non-Credit Sponsorship added 20240916

Continuing Education Absence Request (For non-credit courses only) updated July 2019

 In the event of student medical emergencies, a family emergencies* and work emergencies, students may be able to request withdrawal from their course and transfer tuition to another course within the program. A $25 administrative processing fee will be retained by the College per course.

Continuing Education Group Registration (For non-credit courses only) updated 20240916
For company use when registering more than one person in the same course.

Continuing Education Registration (For non-credit courses only) updated 20240916
For individual use when a student is registered in one or more non-credit courses.

Declaration for Parchment Replacement updated 20240909
Parchments may only be reissued with submission of a signed declaration confirmation loss or damage of the original parchment, or legal name change.

Deferred Examination Application updated 20210917
Due to illness or other exceptional circumstances, a students may be allowed to defer his/her final examination. Students who are unable to comply with the established dates and times for final exams can apply for exam deferral. Valid reasons for deferral include: Bereavement, Personal illness or injury, Religious observances, Domestic affliction or Disability. Documentation (medical certificate, death certificate, accident report, etc.) will be required to support a deferral request. All medical documentation must be provided to Health Services for verification.

  • Application for deferral must be made prior to the final exam or within 48 hours of the formal scheduled time.
  • Deferred exams must be written within 20 business days of the original examination date for the course.

High School Dual Credit Apprenticeship Registration - forms can be obtained from your Off-Campus Coordinator.

High School Dual Credit Childhood Studies Registration - forms can be obtained from your Off-Campus Coordinator.

High School Online Power Engineering Registration - forms can be obtained from your Off-Campus Coordinator.
For high school students approved to take Power CML at Composite, Father Mercredi or Westwood Community high school.

High School Online Power Engineering Extension Request - forms can be obtained from your Off-Campus Coordinator.

Letter of Permission updated 20230105
For requesting permission to take courses at another institution for transfer of credit to Keyano College.

Official Transcript Request updated 20240920
For requesting an official transcript for yourself, another post secondary institution or an accrediting body.

Online Power Engineering Registration updated 20241203

Online Power Engineering Extension Request updated 20240909

Power Lab Registration updated 20250310
Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-qualified basis with full tuition and fee payment. Proof of 4A & 4B completion required.

Prior Learning Assessment Request updated 20210917
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit may be granted when a student has completed learning outside of a post-secondary institution. PLA is considered based on employment experience, employment training, seminars, workshops and other experience that the student may have gained.

Proof of Enrolment  / Proof of Completion Request updated 20240909
Used to verify past or current enrolment or proof of completion of a program at Keyano College. Students must submit request for a proof of enrollment letter in a timely manner. Note that letter requests are subject to processing times and cannot be expedited. To avoid any complications with IRCC or other external organizations, ensure you know the external request deadline and submit accurate, fully completed requests to the Office of the Registrar. If your letter requires proof of class registration, make sure you are fully registered before submitting your request.

Refund for Students - Award/Scholarships updated 20240305
To be completed if you are eligible for a refund from  an Award/Scholarship via cheque and would like to request a refund.

Refund Request for Students - Tuition & Feesupdated 20240717
To be completed if you have a tuition or fee credit  on your account and would like to request a refund.

Refund Request for Students - Housing updated 20231103
To be completed if you have a housing credit  on your account and would like to request a refund.

Request for Authorized Leave of Absence from Studies - International Students ONLY
International students with valid study permits must meet the conditions of their permit to maintain their legal status in Canada. One of the conditions is to pursue their program of study actively. An unauthorized leave of absence will violate the conditions of the study permit. In addition, the length of the leave of absence may affect your status as a student and your eligibility for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) after completing your program.
Immigration, Citizenship, and Refugees Canada only considers students to actively pursue their studies program if the leave is less than 150 days. For leave periods of longer than 150 days, a student must do one of the following:
-               Change their status to visitor
-               Leave Canada
The leave of absence should be used in exceptional circumstances. Please contact the International Office at before requesting/taking any leave of absence from studies.

Self Registration Formadded 20240104

For registration in credit courses after being accepted into a program, only to be used if Self Service is not available.

Student Change of Information updated 20230830
If you have you have a preferred first name or had a change of name, address or email address that will impact communication between Keyano College and yourself, or if you need to correct incorrect information on your account,.

Supplemental Examination Application updated 20240909
The following conditions must be met to apply to write a supplemental exam:

  • Prior to the final exam, the student must have achieved a summative grade equal to or better than 60% for College Preparation, 65% for Trades programs or a C- in all other courses.
  • All course work must be complete up to the time of the final evaluation. 
  • The student must have written the final examination and as a result earned a course final grade less than 60% in college preparation courses, less than 65% in Trades, or less than a C- in all other courses. 

Testing Services Request updated 20240926
For student use to pay for any of the exams offered by Testing Services.
Timetable created 20230901
Blank timetable template for students to map out classes.

Tutorial Request updated 20230901
For requesting tutorial blocks for the Differential Aptitude Test, ESL or GED.

Withdraw Course or Program Form updated 20241209
This form is for students who are dropping or withdrawing from one or more courses. This form is also to be used if withdrawing from ALL courses in a given semester. This form must be signed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. If you are changing your registration or dropping a course within the first 2 weeks of a semester you can complete this task on Self Service.