Emily Heralal International Women's Day Feature

Emily Heralal making hands in heart shape

What inspires you to pursue your field of study? 

I have been a volunteer at an out-of-school care program in Trinidad and Tobago for many years. My interactions with these children ages 8 to 15 have opened my interest in fostering meaningful relationships with children.

I researched and chose the Early Learning and Childcare Diploma program since it teaches techniques that nurture children from birth to adolescence and improves my skills and ideologies to help support young minds.

I always had a hidden passion for becoming a teacher, but I was unable to fulfill that dream after I finished my degree. So, completing this program is giving me a second chance at fulfilling my dream.


Who are the women role models or mentors who have influenced you the most, and why?

My number one-woman role model is my mom since she has endured so many trials in her life. She did not have the opportunity to finish her formal education and pursued her interest in baking, cooking, and crafts. She developed an amazing talent for completing any creative project she puts her mind to. Her resiliency has fostered her many business endeavours, and I am proud to be her daughter. She always motivates me by saying that I can be anything and that she wants me to accomplish anything I dream of, and she knows that I can complete it. 


In what ways do you believe women's voices can be better amplified and represented in society?

Women’s voices can be amplified and represented in society by focusing on the small milestone accomplishments of our friends, peers and colleagues. There are many women within our circle who are doing amazing projects, reaching amazing targets, and accomplishing many great things every day in our society, but these are often not recognized as accomplishments. I will always say that we should support the women around us, show off their accomplishments, and be proud of them. A simple gesture goes a long way in motivating someone to push and move ahead to achieve greater things. Sharing a profile on social media, referring someone to a business, meeting up for a coffee and sharing with the world these small achievements can go a long way in having women’s voices heard louder than ever before.


How do you support and empower other women in your community or workplace?

I embarked on a wellness journey for myself in the last two years, and I wanted to share that journey with the world. I created and published a wellness journal that aims at getting anyone motivated to make changes in their lives.  While producing the journal, I hoped that I could reach the many women in my community and other women around the world to aspire to create better versions of themselves through self-care. As women, we often take care of everyone around us and neglect ourselves and I hope my journal impacts women to take the first step in developing a routine of wellness for themselves. I try to live my life with a joyful soul and caring heart. So, anyone who comes in contact with me can have a better day by sharing a simple smile or hello. Women in my community and workplace are often overwhelmed, and I hope that my journal inspires them to take better care of themselves by making small changes to their routines.

“My Wellness Journal by Emily Heralal” is available on Amazon.