Asian Heritage Month Student Features

Disha and Drashti Hirpara Marc Kevin Vergara JoyMarie Alcazar  Sunil Choudhary


Disha and Drashti Hirpara

Disha and Drashti Hirpara

Students, Business Administration, Accounting Diploma 

Can you share a story from your life or your family's history that exemplifies determination and perseverance in the face of challenges?
Our family has been inspiring over a period for us. Our parents work hard, years ago when my father wanted to set up a construction business, he worked day and night to find a client, workers, material etc. at that we have faced such a hard time. In spite of this, as a child we never realized that situation but now when we see those back days we can realize without hard work and dedication we as a person are nothing.
How have your cultural heritage and identity influenced your journey in education or your personal growth?
We came from India, which has huge history and cultural diversity. In our school days we learn so much about history of our independence and that defines our identity. Apart from this, we learn so much from our cultural books that teaches us how much you can help others, be find to everyone even in hard situation.
What does the theme 'stories of determination; mean to you, and why do you think it's important to share these stories during Asian Heritage Month?

We want to tell you the story of Mahabharat (Hindu Mythology Event) where brothers were fought in result of disrespect a woman. Which was also a result of batting their own family members in a traditional chess (Shatranj). From this story and war, we learn so much about humanity, karma and respect women.

(Note:In this we pronounce Mahabharata as a Mahabharat and Karma as a karm.)

Who in the Asian community (historical or contemporary) inspires you the most, and how has their story of determination influenced your own aspirations or actions?
If you ask about the community, we can say that Patel Community in state of Gujarat. They have earned so much in their life. This community is so big and more than 50% of traders in Indian stock market came from this community. They are also leading many MNC companies. If we talked about their achievements outside from India, We could proudly say that they are leaders in American motels and hotels industry.



MarckevinvegaraMarc Kevin Vergara 

Student, Business Administration Accounting Diploma

Can you share a story from your life or your family's history that exemplifies determination and perseverance in the face of challenges?

Growing up, my family faced numerous challenges due to our background and circumstances. However, one story that particularly stands out is my parents' journey to pursue their dreams in life. Despite facing financial constraints and societal pressures, they remained determined and persevered through various obstacles.

Their story continues to remind me of the importance of resilience and hard work in the face of challenges. There is one phrase that always echoed through me, "Agan Anus Ka," which means "Be Patient" This always reminds me to be patient and resilient in life, knowing that all of my hard work and effort will bear fruit in the end.

How have your cultural heritage and identity influenced your journey in education or your personal growth?

As a member of the LGBT community, my cultural heritage and identity have played a significant role in shaping my journey in education and personal growth. Coming from a cultural background that may not always be accepting or understanding of diverse sexual orientations or gender identities, I faced unique challenges in embracing and expressing my true self.

However, I have also found strength in it, as it has taught me the values of resilience, community, and perseverance. It has motivated me to seek education and personal growth to create a more inclusive and accepting society, not only for myself but for future generations as well.

What does the theme 'stories of determination; mean to you, and why do you think it's important to share these stories during Asian Heritage Month?

The theme "stories of determination" resonates deeply with me because it highlights the power of resilience and perseverance in overcoming obstacles. These stories inspire, reminding us of the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. They showcase the courage and tenacity of individuals who refuse to be defined by their challenges, but rather, they strive to create their paths toward success.

During Asian Heritage Month, sharing stories of determination is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it celebrates the diverse experiences and accomplishments within Asian communities, shedding light on the often-overlooked narratives of resilience and triumph. By amplifying these stories, we honor the contributions and struggles of Asian individuals and communities, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of their experiences.

Moreover, sharing stories of determination during Asian Heritage Month provides empowerment and inspiration for future generations. It provides role models and mentors who demonstrate that no obstacle is insurmountable with determination and perseverance. These stories encourage individuals to pursue their dreams, even in the face of adversity, and to embrace their cultural heritage as a source of strength and resilience.

Overall, sharing stories of determination during Asian Heritage Month does not only celebrates the rich diversity of Asian cultures but also highlights the universal themes of resilience and perseverance that resonate across all communities. It serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling to inspire, educate, and unite us in our shared humanity.

Who in the Asian community (historical or contemporary) inspires you the most, and how has their story of determination influenced your own aspirations or actions?

One individual in the Filipino community who inspires me significantly is Jose Rizal, a national hero of the Philippines. Rizal was a multifaceted figure—poet, novelist, physician, nationalist, and revolutionary—who played a pivotal role in the Philippines' struggle for independence from Spanish colonial rule in the late 19th century.

Rizal's story of determination is profoundly influential because he fearlessly used his intellect, talents, and voice to advocate for social reform and national liberation. Despite facing persecution and imprisonment by the Spanish authorities, he remained steadfast in his commitment to enlightening his fellow Filipinos and challenging the injustices of colonial rule through his writings and actions.

Rizal's emphasis on the power of education and critical thinking to uplift individuals and society resonates deeply with me. His novels, particularly "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," sparked national consciousness and inspired Filipinos to rise against oppression and fight for their rights.

As a Filipino, Rizal's story of determination is a source of pride and inspiration for me. His unwavering dedication to pursuing justice, equality, and national identity has influenced my aspirations by instilling a sense of responsibility to advocate for positive change in my community and beyond. Rizal's courage to speak truth to power and his willingness to sacrifice for the greater good inspires me to strive for excellence, to be a voice for the voiceless, and to contribute to the ongoing struggle for a better and more just society.

In essence, Jose Rizal's story of determination continues to fuel my passion for social justice, education, and nation-building, and it serves as a timeless reminder of the power of one individual to ignite change and shape the course of history.




JoyMarie Alcazar 

Student, Business Administration Management - Co-op Diploma

Can you share a story from your life or your family's history that exemplifies determination and perseverance in facing challenges?

As a young adult, I experienced the loss of my mother to cancer, which had a great impact on my family's well-being. Her passing left a significant void, as she was the foundation of our strength and joy. Despite the overwhelming grief, we drew upon our resilience and determination to honor her memory by striving for a better life. My father demonstrated remarkable fortitude, providing guidance and discipline to navigate our vulnerable moments.

Our eldest sister emerged as a pillar of support, mentoring us as we pursued our aspirations. Even now, as she raises her own family, she continues to be a steadfast source of encouragement.

Through this experience, I've come to realize that life's challenges are more manageable with the support of loved ones. No one needs to face adversity alone; together, as a family, we can overcome anything.

How have your cultural heritage and identity influenced your journey in education or your personal growth?

My Filipino cultural heritage and identity have significantly shaped my educational and personal journey. From a young age, I was taught the value of persistence and resilience, which have been crucial in overcoming challenges in my academic and personal life. Additionally, my Filipino heritage has instilled in me a strong sense of family and community, driving me to achieve my goals and make a positive impact on those around me.

What does the theme' stories of determination' mean to you, and why do you think it's important to share these stories during Asian Heritage Month?

The theme "Stories of Determination" deeply resonates with me, particularly during Asian Heritage Month. It highlights the struggles and triumphs of individuals who have faced adversity and overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.

Sharing these stories inspires others to do the same, fostering a sense of community and solidarity. It serves as a reminder that our struggles are valid and our stories matter. By sharing our stories, we honor the legacies of our ancestors and pave the way for future generations to succeed.

Who in the Asian community (historical or contemporary) inspires you the most, and how has their story of determination influenced your aspirations or actions?

Manny Pacquiao, the legendary Filipino boxer, is a source of inspiration for Filipinos worldwide. His impact on both Filipino culture and the sport of boxing has made him a beloved figure. Rising from poverty, his journey to success has made him an inspirational figure and national hero in the Philippines. Despite facing challenges, Pacquiao's determination has led him to international stardom. He has instilled a love for sports in many, encouraging athletes to persevere despite obstacles. Importantly, Pacquiao remains humble and faithful, continuing to inspire the next generation of athletes.


sunil choudhary

Sunil Choudhary 

Student, Business Administration Management Co-op Diploma

Can you share a story from your life or your family's history that exemplifies determination and perseverance in facing challenges?
One story that comes to mind is about my great-grandfather, who was a farmer during a time of severe drought. Despite the barren land and dwindling resources, he refused to give up on his crops. He implemented innovative irrigation techniques and worked tirelessly day and night to ensure that his family and community had enough food to survive. His determination paid off when, against all odds, his crops flourished, providing hope and sustenance during a time of great hardship. His resilience and determination continue to inspire our family to this day.
How have your cultural heritage and identity influenced your journey in education or your personal growth?
Our cultural heritage and identity seem to play a significant role in shaping our approach to education and personal growth. Our culture emphasizes discipline, critical thinking, and traditional teachings that may include lessons from historical figures like emperors and kings. These values likely provide a strong foundation for navigating the complexities of the world and fostering personal development.
What does the theme' stories of determination' mean to you, and why do you think it's important to share these stories during Asian Heritage Month?

The theme "stories of determination" holds profound significance as it draws upon the rich tapestry of narratives from various religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism. These stories often center around the struggles and triumphs of revered figures such as spiritual leaders and warlords, whose unwavering determination shaped the course of history.

Sharing these stories during Asian Heritage Month serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it highlights the resilience and fortitude ingrained within Asian cultures, inspiring individuals to overcome obstacles and pursue their goals with tenacity. Secondly, it fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of Asian heritage, promoting cultural diversity and unity. Lastly, it reinforces the importance of perseverance and resolve in the face of adversity, encouraging people to channel their inner strength to tackle challenges and contribute positively to society.

Who in the Asian community (historical or contemporary) inspires you the most, and how has their story of determination influenced your aspirations or actions?
Swami Vivekananda, a towering figure in Indian history, inspires me deeply. His dedication to spiritual enlightenment, coupled with his passion for social reform and education, is truly admirable. Vivekananda's emphasis on selflessness, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge resonates with my values, encouraging me to strive for personal growth while also contributing positively to society. His fearless pursuit of truth and his ability to connect with people from all religions serve as a guiding light, inspiring me to approach challenges with courage and compassion.